Customer Stories

Save time, reduce costs, and maximize operational efficiency. A clear path to an increased ROI from the outset.
Our most rewarding projects are those that provide value in saving both time and money, enabling businesses to build better and faster.
0 %
Reduction in manual data entry
0 %
Savings in Accounting Costs
3- 0 %
ROI in a payback period of 3 months

Meet the companies that chose to be more productive with MACHIDP

Hong Kong-Based IT Consulting Firm

Achieved 96% of accuracy rate with MachIDP for its clients in data capture tasks

India-Based KYC Platform

Reduced the response time in invoice inspection by 70% and cut the overall costs by 50% through reducing the efforts of manual data entry

India-Based Relocation Platform

Achieved an accuracy rate of 95%+ in passports data capture